Monday, June 27, 2011

What do poop, booby, and sit down have in common?

Nothing.  Other than they are now part of some funny stories.

On Friday my 3rd graders learned the word "poop."  And my co teacher learned the word "booby."
And today, I told a 3year old to sit down in Korean.

Poop:  Every week the 3rd graders have this "science book" where they learn of different animals and habitats.  Well, last week was about animal noses.  I saw this part coming early on.  The work book also made them connect what smelling is to them, we smell things and we breath with our nose.....  So one part of the work book asked them to list, "pleasant smells," and "unpleasant smells."  They didnt  know what to do, so i did it with them on the white board with good smells and bad smells.  Most of the good smells were of food, the third one mentioned was kimchi, go figure.  And then we got to bad smells.  they mentioned trash, dead fish and then one of the boys kept saying cow _____, and then he drew a picture.  I had been waiting for them to say something about this.  Finally!  So, i said class, "thats poop, the word you are looking for is poop."  The weird thing was they acted like they didnt care.  I was more giggly than they were.

Booby:  The last friday of every month we have a cooking demo.  This last week we made a type of rice cake.  After everything was made and ready i sat in with Ginny class (the kindergartners).  And they all had on their aprons.  its really cute, i will have to take photos next time.  Some of them even have little hats.  One of the girl's aprons has the word "booby" on it.  It looks as if it is the company name.  So i point to the word and i ask my co-teacher, Joanne, if she knows that this word means.
She shakes her head no.  I point to my chest.
She says, "you?"
I shake my head no, and point to her chest.
I say, "Every woman have two boobies, unless they had cancer."
"Aaahhhhhhhh."  Uncomfortable expression.
"But why is it on children's clothes?" she asks.
"Why is it on anything?"
We shared some laughs after that.  A couple minutes later i see here staring at the word.  I said, "Now your never going to forget." ;)
Later she went to the kitchen to clean our dishes.  I was sitting on the computer, and i began to hear my boss laughing hysterically.  I really hope Joanne just told her what she learned.  :)

Sit down:  Mondays in the afternoon i have "Fun!"  Yes, thats pretty much what it says on my schedule. I have about seven, three year olds in my classroom and we have fun together.  Or we try.  Its technically after school so its usually coloring or something simple.  Today, i was lazy so we played with legos.

So, i know some Korean words to say to kids, like "sit down, be quiet" and some others.  Very rarely do i use it.  I lack the confidence in using it.  Most of the time they just laugh at you.  Its annoying.

One girl, May, pushes all the limits.  She will look at me and start yelling.  Relentless sometimes.  Today, she would stand on her chair with her lego creation in hand and pretend its flying it up and down as she is going from a squat to a stance on her chair.  I ask her to sit down about 10 times, gradually getting more assertive.  So shes sqautting on her chair.  I hit my butt, and say sit here, like this, and demonstrate.  She looks at me and then looks away to her legos and continues to play.  I then get closer, and say quietly, but assertively, "anjara!"  (Which means, sit down!!!)  She stares at me like, "who the hell are you?  How do you know that word??"  She was so confused.  Her face was priceless.

She never sat down the little punk.

So ya good times.  Not only do i work abroad but, i work with children.  Small children.  My funny story repertoire is building rather quickly.

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