Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ii Is for Ice cream!

This week for art and play we are making our own ice cream name cones!  Its been pretty fun!  And a little crazy.  Kids LOVE ice cream.  The nice thing is that the word for ice cream in Korean is the same as English.  I drew scoops of ice cream and have the kids pick different "flavors," one for each letter in their name.  And then they have to color their cone.  I only have photos from Ginny class (they are the kindergartners).  

Huey didnt really get it  right, but thats ok.  

Cuz he's happy!  He was so excited to get his picture taken!

Veronica's ice cream was almost as tall as her!  

Oh Harry. 

Notice Brian's.  Bb Rr Ii Aa Nn. 
Well done!

Making ice cream has been pretty crazy but good fun this week.  The kids love their ice cream!  

Speaking of ice cream.  Today Joanne  was eating something that looked like a stick of butter.  I asked her what she was eating.  She said, ice cream.  She asked if i wanted some.  And of course i said yes.  It was good.  But it was wrapped like a stick of butter is.  It was about a third of the size of a stick of butter.  It had the weird aluminum paper folded around it.  It was good, but i sometimes felt like i was biting into a stick of butter.  It was a little disturbing.  And difficult to eat something shaped like a box that melts.  It was like a Klondike bar without the chocolate.  :)

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