Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Shakespeare and sand

A couple weeks ago there was the Sand Festival in Busan.  There was also a performance of "As You Like it" by Shakespeare and performed by a cast entirely of waygooks.  The day started with a 50 min train ride.  We then headed toward the amphitheater which we had to take a taxi to get to.  Then we proceed down a random trail in the trees and came across this:

Just envision Santa Barbara Bowl before it became a big deal.  This is one a much smaller scale, but it is right by the ocean, tucked on a mountain.  It didn't feel like we were in Korea anymore.  98% of the people who watched the performance were also waygooks.  It was a wonderful yet odd feeling.  

I went with a handful of people from Ulsan, like these guys:

Garrett, Kyla, Katie, and Breann

And Maggie and Elana

The performance was about 2 hours long and was very enjoyable, the cast did a great job.  

After the play, we went to the beach.  It was walking distance from the show so we passed some fun things on the way:

A lovely view of Busan

The sign reads:
Party & Wedding"

We then got to the beach where there were more foreigners, and some Asians.  We got to walk on the sand and see all of the cool and huge sand sculptures.  Just to let you in on a secret, Korea LOVES festivals.  They usually involve some crafts for kids, some kind of art thing, and a big party.  Which then involves a lot of drinking.  The theme of the Sand festival this year is "Fairy tales."  Here are some images from the day:

Guilliver's Travels

King Authur

The Little Mermaid
Maggie was cowering in shame ;)

A Korean Tale

Another Korean Tale

this one was about 5 tales in one, it was too big to fully document

Overall, it was an awesome day.  After the festival we had some mediocre tacos and a horrible margarita, but it was nice to kinda have some "Mexican" food.  After dinner, we headed to the beach where a huge stage was set up.  We missed the fireworks, but made it just in time for a dance party on the beach.  There was a dj and random Korean dancers on stage, who i was not impressed by.  They were pretty awful.  But, i had a great time dancing with friends.  And after a little bit a older Korean man dressed in his hiking clothes, hat, and still wearing his sunglasses (oh ya, its 10:30ish pm) comes and dances with us.  All while his wife was staring at us from a short distance confused by what to do.  The man just had both hands in the air, while slightly moving his arms up and down, kinda swaying, and every 30 seconds he would say, "Oooooh yaaa!!!"   It was hilarious.  He seemed harmless and just drunk and apparently down to party.  Soon after his wife came over and also started dancing with us.  All in all it was quite entertaining.  After a bit of dancing with our new friends, we decided to make take the train back home.   It was a wonderful day full of a lot of laughs.   

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