If a man's ears show they get made fun off. This starts in about third grade.
(Note: most of the time their ears show, but if the top of the ear sticks out, that is what is bad. So they always keep their hair a little longer) I guess if you are super trendy or fashionable you can get away with showing your ears.
"Have you eaten?" really means "How are you?"
People are called by their (job) title more than they are called by their name. I am called "Teacher" all day long, sometimes in English and sometimes in Korean. Depends who's talking to me. And the sometimes, it's "Alissa teacher." But i know most of the other teachers by their classroom name. For example, "Comy teacher" and "Sunny Teacher." Its gotten some getting used to. I dont really like it. it feels impersonal. To be honest, i dont even know some of the teacher's real names. I guess they rather me not butcher it day after day.
Whenever you pay for something, you hand your card with two hands. If you cant use two hands you use one and rest your occupied hand on the hand that is giving the card/cash to the cashier. You also accept you card/cash and receipt with two hands. This is the same when pouring drinks or being given anything by someone with any authority over you. It happens all the time. It shows respect.
You bow when you greet someone and when you say goodbye. Also, when you are very grateful/thankful.
Mirrors are everywhere. Even in bathroom stalls behind the door. Because even when you pee you must look good? Korean are super prideful and into appearance. This could be a whole entire blog or blogpost.
Kimchi is served at every meal. Kimchi is fermented cabbage with a ton of garlic and red pepper paste. It all tastes a little different depending on where it comes from. Its kinda like gold. And they say its super healthy. I beg to differ.
The weirdest thing someone has told me is: If you whistle, you are summoning snakes.
Now, if this is true, i would have thousands of snakes all over me, some traveling as far as Africa to get to me and following me everywhere i go. Now, obviously this isnt true. But it does kinda make sense, only because i was whistling one day and one the the girls (shes about 3 or 4 yrs old), stops coloring, looks at me, and says, "stop!"
Uh ok. Thats was startling. So i stopped.
And lastly, i will leave you with a funny story. I stumped my first grade in hangman. It looked like this:
"_ c_ _ _"
So I pulled out my map of the world. I told them, "It's the largest thing on the map."
Ian (he's one of my favorite's) shouts out, without even thinking, "KOREA!!!!!!"
"Noooooooo. Korea is small. What is the biggest thing on the map?"
Eventually t(he)y got it.
o c e a n
Im gonna teach these kinds to think outside the box. Before they are confined to be locked in it.
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