Monday, June 13, 2011

To whale or wail?

Well, i am going to have to take you back a week, or two really.  A couple weeks ago our school went to Ulsan's Whale museum.  This is kinda like a mini Sea world.  Let me remind you of the ages of the kids at my school.  Just think preschool, but more educated.  Now let's continue.  So we start our sweet trip with a 4-D movie.  Heck yes, Korea is go big or go home with technology.  The movie was in Korean but it was a computer animation so i understood it.  It was called (in English) "The Battle in Deep Sea."  It was about a submarine exploring the deep sea.  They come across some eggs,  which belong to a giant squid whop then attacks the sub.  Then, the whale comes into save the day (uh, didnt know whales could swim to the deep sea?  Or can they?)  Then the whale and the giant squid battle.  The submarine makes it back to the surface and is fine.  The whale saves the day.  Yay.

Halfway through the movie when the fight began, you heard a couple little screams of terror and then "Teacher! (in Korean)"  It was funny, yet sad.  So some kids left a little traumatized.  But its ok because we got to see a live dolphin show after so that made everything better.  It was fun, i totally enjoyed it.

After the show we went underneath the tank where there was a glass hallway and you could see in the tank.  It was fun.  Everyone was impressed and excited.

The ladies in the yellow shirts and black sweatpants are other teachers at my school.  That is what the teachers have to wear when we go on field trips or play soccer.  Not to bad.  I get to wear sweats on Friday and go on field trips!  I love my life! :)

We had a great time at this part of the museum, but then we went to the other part.  It was not about the lives of whales.  It was about the life of whaling.  Killing whales, why? Well because a man can, dammit.  Ugh.  it was gross.  So many pictures of slaughtered whales and men sitting on the fins, so you could make note of the size difference.  They had different kinds of whale and dolphin fetuses, too.  Ones at many different stages.  I didn't think i would really care, but i was totally turned off and upset at all of this.  I wanted to take a picture, but then i didnt know what i would do with it.  I wouldnt want to keep a photo of a dolphin fetus.   But for the record, the fetus look just like it does when its born, just tiny.  Its weird, it doesnt really develop like a human.  The smallest one was probably the size of a teacup. maybe 3-4 in long.  Just so ya know.  

It felt like man (humans) decided "im gonna catch the biggest thing this world has to offer, only then will i become a true man. (insert man grunt here)"  Hopefully that wasn't their thought process, but its certainly is what it felt like.  They also displayed all the equipment people used to catch and cut and cook the whale with.  Like this:

Note: those are not real people.  They are fake.
These are vats that the whale would be cooked in.  Probably the fat, for lipstick and perfumes and such.  

After this we had a picnic lunch.  I wasn't really hungry after all that, but they always prepare food for me so i felt like i have to eat it.  

We then played on the awesome ship that was for whaling:

I dont know if you can tell, but if you were to put these photos side by side, you would see that the man on the front of the ship has a torpedo (or some kind of weapon) to kill this whale with.  I was almost dumbfounded when i saw this.  Its just so blunt and ridiculous (welcome to Korea).  But anyways, we played on the ship deck after lunch.  

aren't my kids cute!?
this is one of my favorite classes (if i had to choose)
The End

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