It comes in a box alongside three other individually wrapped brownies. Now, my hand is very small, therefore this brownie is tiny and probably about a 1/4 of an inch thick. Honestly, they aren't that delicious. Its full of preservatives and not worth the calories.
Koreas also dont know how good cupcakes are. Which is amazing that this cupcake phenomenon has not caught on because cupcakes are so darn cute. And Koreans LOVE cute. The second and third graders are reading about houses and i decided to do a project where we draw our dream house. Just to be fun and different i drew a "cupcake house" I thought is was clever and cute, but all the kids thought it was ice cream! So, apparently they dont enjoy cupcakes either.
But, they do have mini pies. Like baby mini pies. One of the kids mom brought in little pies for their class and so I was lucky enough to receive one.
Most Korean houses do not have ovens, so as much as i would like to kill my cravings by creating these decadent delights on my own, i can't. I am without an oven. However, my school has an oven and i have asked if i could use it. I would like to bake cookies for (*cough* myself, i mean) the ladies who i work with, and brownies and cupcakes. I hope they will enjoy them as much as i do. Although, i have yet to find vanilla extract... the hunt begins.
Hello dear friend! What is your address these days? I'd like to send you a little something sometime and your address is imperative to you receiving this! (I sound like all the spam I've been receiving in my email, no good)