Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Almost normal

Well, much has happened.  So many new things.  Many things that are slowly becoming “normal.”

 It is now normal to see mangy dirty cats (not rats, cats) on the hunt for food in the dumpsters.  I mean, what dumpsters?  No, I mean, the trash that grows on the corner of a building like mold.  Sorry for the unpleasant mental image.  At least it is picked up often.

Screaming is almost becoming silence.  Or I might be going deaf early.

Giant, no, enormous, buildings.   Everywhere.  Its right out of the movie Inception.  In Leonardo DiCaprio’s dream world, with weird, dreary, lifeless building after another after another after another.  Except, the ones here have a bit of life.  They are numbered on both sides, but there are about 10 large, enormous buildings in each cluster.  I wonder how people ever make it home.  I would be lost every time.  And people LOVE to drink here.  Much like the states.  Men, will get pretty darn drunk, even on the weekdays and I always wonder how they ever get home.  One time I saw a man, sitting in the middle of the cross walk.  It might have only been midnight.  

The drink of choice is Soju.  It is dirt cheap.  A little more than the price of water.  Its tastes like bad watered down vodka.  I’ve had it about twice and I’m fine with that.  I hear a Soju hangover is one you never want to experience.  But that never stops anyone.

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