Sunday, July 29, 2012

The bar and the male specimen

So far i have wooed you with photos of the adventurous lifestyle i get to live here in the beautiful West.  Well, today you finally get to here more about my job: I am a bartender.  Thankfully, its not a full bar, only wine and beer and its only our guests.  Not just anyone can walk up and order a drink.  So yes, its a little cushy compared to others who work until 3am dealing with the worst of kinds.  However, similar things happen, like being hit on.  Usually, this doesn't happen a whole lot (like ever), so when it does its rather startling.  Like last week: on Monday (our guests stay from Sunday to Sunday) one 40-50 year old man who has a large belly and big beady eyes is very nice and tells my i have beautiful eyes before dinner.  He came here with only his  8 year old son and friends.  After dinner he sees me and asks me to walk outside with him.   Then he proceeds to hit on me and make me feel awfully uncomfortable.  Asking me if i wanted to stay up late with him.  I stood there.  Like an idiot.  I don't even think i said much.  I was more confused with how to respond while still having to serve him all week.  I know what i would say if this was just a man coming up to me on the street or in a real bar, but i had to see him again, and again.  It was a pretty painfully and uncomfortable week.  If it weren't for Mr. McCreeperson, it would have been an excellent week of guests.  I am relieved to have hime gone.

This week we have a handful of people from CITCO.  They have been wonderful and are good at drinking.  One man asked me why i came out here and i said, "To have a good time."  And he asked/told me i came out here for my boyfriend.  I told him, there is no boyfriend. And he didn't believe me.  I told him I've traveled all over the world, and never once was it for a guy."  He stared blankly at me.  I shattered his world.  I think he still doesn't believe me.  Then about an hour or so later, another man comes in and asks me about how i got to Baltimore:

School, Sir
Oh, you mean you didn't follow your boyfriend?
What?! No. I went to school.
But you're from CA.

I was a little more polite in speaking to him, but you get the point.

Now, i don't know what these men are thinking, maybe its just a different culture.  But no i have never followed anyone anywhere.  I've gone because I felt thats what i am supposed to do.  Why would you even think that?  And why can't women blaze their own trail?  I don't understand why that is so hard to comprehend or even accept.

I have no words of wisdom or insight in how to close these stories.  Just thought i would share with you a small window of the random conversations and happenings i get to experience.  Let's just say there are new experiences everyday and i am learning more and more about the human population as a whole and as individuals.

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