Sunday, July 15, 2012

Catching up. part duex

Moose in Moose
One day, on my day off i went into town with a coworker, Jenny, and we ate some delicious Thai food and then went on an outing towards the Tetons.  Just incase you have no idea what the Tetons are look them up.  They are crazy big beautiful mountains that have been photographed by Ansel Adams, just to name names.  So we went out there just to explore and wander.  We drove through Teton Village and Moose.  On our drive we saw a mama moose, a baby moose that came very close to us; a bull moose, but only saw the top of his rack, we try to call him over, but he seemed rather comfy and did not care to move; elk, scampering off in the distance, antelope, and bison casually grazing by the highway.  During this time we say a small hill in the distance and both had a strong desire to clamp it.  We were not dressed accordingly, so we ditched out shoes and clamped anyways.  The sun was on its way down the sky and into the mountain.  We couldn't have timed it better.  If only this was a date ;)  We were hoping to see a bear since we were on such a role, but alas, no bear.  I still haven't seen one.  I hope before the summer is over i will see a big big bear and a bull moose.  Hopefully, if these encounters do happen they won't be too up close and personal.  

our barefoot hiking trail

the view from the top

the view from the other side

 the Tetons and i

 baby moose

baby moose

the buffs

zi tetons

Snow King:

One day after church my friend and i felt like exploring.  THere is a ski resort right at the edge of town and we found out that we could travel up the chair lift to the top of the mountain.  We both felt like it was a good idea and weren't dressed properly or had enough energy to climb the mountain so we settled for a leisurely lift up.  Its a pretty steep mountain.  When we got to the top we could see for miles.  It was well worth the 6 bucks.

going up

What Jackson looks like from the sky.  You can see the Elk refuge on the right and the Tetons to the left.

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