Friday, December 23, 2011

Botanical Garden

Last week our school went on a field trip to the botanical gardens.  It was nice and pretty but so so cold.  We all walked around for a little bit looking at different plants and such.  Many of the plants are the same as CA in the mountains.  We then headed over to a green house like building that had many different animals in it.  They had a number of different birds from parrots to canaries.  They even had a cute little love bird.  Then they had a bunch of glass cages with snakes and such in them.  They took out a bermese mountain python and they guy asked the kids questions.  if the kid got the answer correct he'd let them hold the giant snake.  I was impressed how calm the kids were with holding the snake.  We took some photos as a class with the snake and then they asked me if i wanted to hold it.  I said, sure, why not.  So the man started wrapping the snake around my neck!  Eek!  Then they go a quick picture and he took it off.  I think i would have been a little more scared if i didnt see how good that snake was with all the children.  But it was still a little weird.

this ferret was passed out.  His arm was sticking straight up in the air. So funny.

Theres a bearded dragon, a turtle and an iguana all sitting on the table.  Most of the kids and teachers were a little scared and acted like they have never seen these animals before.  Most of the animals that we saw our family has either had as pets or i know friends who have had them as pets.  But in Korea you either have a fish, a hamster or a little ugly dog as pets.  There's not enough space for much else.  

I think these were flying squirrels, but i could be wrong.  They were so cute and really scared of everything.  

My school has the photo of me with the snake.  So it will becoming soon.  :)

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