Friday, October 28, 2011

Charted Territory

Well, this week I've been reminded that i have traveled far more than i thought i have.  Sometimes a repetative lifstyle can kill your imagination and maybe even your memory.  I don't know if you have the same problem as i do, but sometimes i try and think back about my week and i can't seem to remember what i've done.  The same happens with my weekend.  Even if i did something awesome, sometimes i still have trouble remembering.  Or maybe there's just something wrong with me. 

Anyways, this month i am teaching the first and second graders about the Great Wall of China.  I am so excited to share all (or most) of the information I recently learned about China and the wall and the terra cotta warriors.  And i can tell my class, "I climbed the Great Wall of China!!!!"  I've seen the warriors with my own eyes!!!  There are hundreds of them!!!" 

The other day i did a brief writing project with the same kids and we looked at a map and i asked them, "If you were a bird and could fly anywhere in the world where would you go?  Why?"  I made them leave Korea (Heaven forbid).  I got some cute responses.  Some said they wanted to go to Antartica to see the penguins, polar bears, and seals and others said to Ghana because they have delicious chocolate (its a company they have they, like Hershey's).  Then one boy said, "Italia!"  i asked him why and he tried to tell me about the Leaning Tower of Pisa.  He kinda acted it out.  Then i remembered, I've climbed that too!!!  I don't really mean to say all this to brag but really to be thankful for all the places i've gotten to go.  The more i think about it the more thankful i am!  And thank God for photos!  Because i dont think i could even tell you all the different museums and such i've been to.  Within 25 years i have been to at least 3 continents and 7 countries!  And probably at least 30 different art museums and a number of National historical sites.  I've always dreamed of traveling and contiue to dream about traveling but i always forget to reflect and remind myself of where i have already been.  Its been quite an adventure!  Thanks Mom and Dad for taking me to new places at a young age and spending more than enough money on me and our family vacations.  I doubt you ever thought the adventure would take me so far from you, but Mom you know you did the same. ;) 

Cheers to the next adventure!  And who knows where the next 25 years will take me!  

Maybe i will finally get to go to the Southern Hemisphere!  

1 comment:

  1. Oh girl we're going to Africa. Real Africa.
    Love this post.
