Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mud Festival 2011 part 1

This last weekend i went to the Mud Festival.  It takes places in Boreoyang.  And they are known for their mud.  Apparently its good for your skin.  So they hold a festival every year.  About 2/3 of the people are foreigners and the others are Korean.  They have it right next to the beach, with a bunch of food booths, drink booths and a huge stage and a bunch of floatie inner tubes that you can rent.  Its a really nice beach too and super long.  Good for masses of people.  The festival takes place for nine days and we went the first weekend.  You can find more info here

I went with four other people.  Two of them i met on the trip.  Mud fest is a huge event and has a ton of buses that go and then they set up the hotel for you.  Well, we were a little late on all that.  We were the stragglers that forgot to plan.  So one of us rented a car and we decided to go.  We left fri around 12:30 at night and got to Boreoyang around 5:30 AM.  We drove around the town a bit to see where we could get a hotel.  I think after our third try we found a place.  A little expensive, but between 5 people it wasn't too bad.  I was ready to just sleep outside.  I honestly didnt think we were going to find a place.  I heard all the hotels were booked.  But thanks to the Lord, we got a place and some rest before a fun day in the sun.

They have these cute little mud people on everything: apt walls, light poles, t-shirts... whatever you can think of.

About 5 hours later we rolled out of bed and went to the mud.  They had a designated area for the mud part with huge blow up pools and blow up slides and blow up other things.  All that stuff you see at fairs.  And it was kinda watery mud.  We started in the pool which led to a good little wrestling match.  And then, i didnt even care for the mud, i just wanted to play in the ocean.  So we all ran to the beach and jumped in the water and spent the remainder of the afternoon at the beach.  We saw some Koreans playing a game of volleyball.  So we joined them.  Apparently, i have a "power hit."  Every time i would serve the ball it usually ended up at a difficult angle to hit it.  Leaving the opposite team dead in the water.  We were playing in hip high water.     So that made it a little difficult.  I guess the only time i am ever good at volleyball is when i play in hip high water with a light weight bouncy ball.  Any other time, its not my best sport.


Adult capri suns, made to order.  And a mud goer.

It was fun to finally enjoy a "summer."  Later we got cleaned up for dinner and had some galby (pork) and some clams and such all barbecued Korean style.  It wasnt too bad either.  Later they were having fireworks on the beach from a boat in the water.   I felt like there should be some "star spangled banner" playing in the distance or something.  I tried to sing it, but it didnt go to well. ;)  They did have an excellent show, it made up for my singing.

Leizel and I

After the lovely fireworks show we met up with friends of friends and they lit their own fireworks (totally legal here).  This one guy, who we just met, was awesome.  He looked like a wizard performing a light show on the beach.  If only i had a video for you guys.  

Then we found some magical art near the beach to play in.

It all changed color.  If you can look closely you should see a person on or by each letter.  Im on the U.

And that was only Saturday.  I will have to post Sunday another day.  It was quite exciting and let's just say i crossed some things off my bucket list.  

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