All the kids and teachers headed over to the river with our guns and extra water. Once we all were there, the fun began. There really wasn't any game or rhyme or reason to how our two hours of fun went. But there were definitely times when there were about 5 or more kids surrounding me. There was almost no way i could fight back. So i let them win. But i would get each of them back, one by one. Here are some photos of our fun:
Can you see them attacking me in the background?
right here
Donny and Rachel
Noah and Julie
Ginny class: Kindergartners
and myself and Joanne
Arty class, 3 years olds
Comy class, also 3 years olds
and our "manager" teacher (aka Melanie, but she doesnt like her English name) and Rich
I want to include this last photo mostly because i want to show you that Koreans do not like to show their skin. At least most of them. Most of the time, they will wear a zip up hoodie, a hat, sometimes gloves, everything to keep their skin from showing. They prefer light skin and find it more beautiful than dark skin. The funny thing is that some Koreans are really tan. So its mostly the women who do this, especially if you're over 25 year old.
So, after this awesome play date we all headed back to Genius (our school name) sopping wet. We all brought extra clothes knowing this would happen. I change, and hang my clothes on our "fence" on the play ground area. Our school is on the second floor of the building and we have a large deck that has some play toys on it for the kids. I put my clothes out there so they would dry. Oh and now our school has matching uniforms for the teachers (you can see them in the photos above). We have to wear some awesome sweatpants that have a New York Yankees symbols on them and they have pockets, along with a yellow shirt that has a giant black star with the writing
The heaven are covered with stars"
Not the most attractive thing, but its super comfy and i dont really care. So i hung my clothes out to dry. I was a little worried they might blow away, because they wind can pick up here. But i leave them there anyways. I go back a couple hours later to see if they are dry. And my t shirt is there, but my pants are missing. I try and look over the fence, but im too short. I grab a chair and i look down and they are on some part of the building next to us. Hahaha. Oops. Of course they are. So i go and i tell my boss. I tell here, "um, i have a problem"
"my pants, theyre gone"
"Um, next door?"
I go and show her and i grab a chair for her to stand on. Shes looking at it, pauses, and just starts laughing. So i start laughing because the whole event is pretty silly. So, there's no way to really retrieve my pants, so we just stare down below. My boss says, "Mission impossible." I laugh. Then she says,
"We need Spiderman." and i say. "Or a big stick."
So the rest of the day the news floats around the school that Alissa teacher lost her pants. Lol. As usual i am here for everyones entertainment. So, luckily she wasnt mad. But now i kinda miss those pants. They were pretty awesome and comfortable.
So, that was our fun friday. Im sure there will be many more to come.
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