Thursday, July 21, 2011


Funny Story...

Friday we had a teachers meeting.  We have a meal together and then talk about what's going on in the school and plan for the next month (they talk mostly in Korean and fill me in when i need to know something).  One of our entrees was really delicious.  It almost looked liked a large salad you would pick up from New Frontiers.  It had cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, roast pork (yay!), red cabbage and what appeared to be noodles all covered in a delicious ginger dressing.  I ate a ton of it.  I ate the noodles, they weren't very soft like a normal noodle.  I had some more to give it a second try.  Still a little chewy.  I ask Joanne what are these noodle things.  She says, "Not noodle, jelly fish."  Uh, oh.  Cool. I ate jelly fish and didn't even know it.

So all week i have been mildly suffering from a horrific sunburn due to Mudfest.  And you will soon find out why i am so sunburnt.  Anyways, my skin is finally at the peeling stage.  My boss knows i have been suffering from this and has been watching the transformation of my skin all week.  Today, was a breakthrough.  I am about to walk out the door to go home and she stops me.  She says "Oh, you are peeling."  Then she immediately grabs my peeling skin off my shoulder to show me.  I stop, surprised by what she just did and say, "Oh, great."  So apparently, my boss has got my back, literally.  At least we have a good relationship.

Oh ya, and usually most Koreans would think that was really dirty.  They can get grossed out easily.  So this was kinda a big deal for her, and our relationship.  ;)

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