Monday, February 6, 2012

Boom Boom ee

Last Friday we had "Recreation Day" which means Friday is a surprise to me.  I asked one of the teachers if i had to come early or what was happening.  She asked me if i had heard of a character called "Pboomng Pboomg ee."  Try your best to sound it out.  Its hard to say.  Anyways, it's a children's character.  I don't really know what from.  Another teacher was telling me thats it's name pretty much means "butt." Yes, really.  Some guy started us off with some dancing and then the beloved character cam out and shakes her romp around.  Then the kids got cotton candy and they each took pictures with Pboomg Pboomg ee.

Watching little kids eat cotton candy is a pretty fun spectacle.

cotton candy beard

It has a big butt.

So there's a bis indoor house, kinda similar to Chuckee Cheese, near where i live.  Little did i realize our new friend was so close all this time.  I thought i saw this character before.  

I always know i'm close to "home" when i see these fun lights from the play place.

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