Thursday, February 9, 2012

Cutie petuties!

I didn't think i could get cuter pictures of my kids.  I think the reindeer ones were pretty awesome, but then we made little owls from giant pom pom balls.  I tried to get them to pose with their little owl friend by their face.  And here's what i got:

i wish he wasn't moving, his owl was the best.

Don't let those serious faces from the other kids deceive you.  This is how they ALWAYS act.  :)

Too precious!

Colorful Daegu

Last weekend some friends and I went and explored Daegu.  Daegu is about 2 and half hours away by (slow) train.  We had some things to do on our list such as: eat delicious food, see the tower, eat at an airplane restaurant,  and go to the Cultural Center.  We accomplished all of our goals, but it took us many wrong turns, subways, many taxis and a little bit of running in the end.

Daegu isn't very good with maps or directions.  And no body seems to really know where anything is.  It was supper strange and super annoying.  But regardless we made it.  We ate at a place called the Holy Grill.  Oh boy it was delicious!  They had a hamburger with bacon IN the patty.  so good!  And we had some tacos that were good, but not really what i was thinking.

mmmmmmmmm only days until the real deal...

a witty comic about today's economy

Puppies!  They have pets stores randomly in Korea.  We went in for directions and to play.

Cultural Arts Center

they had some cool sculptures

its a painting.

In late summer, Daegu hosted an international sports competition.  There's a better title for it but i can't remember what its really called.  Anyways, they are super proud and have stuff up for it everywhere.  Therefore, this sculpture is to commemorate the big event.  

Daegu Tower.
You can bun jee jump from the tower, and maybe visit a toilet in the sky too?

The view from the top, supposedly 83 stories high.

We took the subway most places.  We had no idea, and no address for the airplane restaurant we wanted to visit, so the lovely information guys let us go behind close doors to get the info.  
Breann and Kyla are back there.  

We finally got the information, and took a taxi to our destination.  We had to drive a bit until we saw a giant plane all by itself.  We were so happy!  I think most of us maybe thought it wouldn't be real.  We though we were going to one that had steak and sea food, but we actually ended up going to one that had smoothies, coffee, and doughnuts.  Luckily none of us were really hungry.  Oh ya and this plane restaurant was for kids!  Haha.  Of course.  So we order some doughnuts and smoothies.  We demolished the doughnuts.  We cut each one into 5 pieces, because thats what you do in Korea, you share, ALWAYS.  And, i start to eat one that we all thought had cream in it.  But no.  It was a cream cheese center, but with onion flavor!!!!  I was the first one to eat it, and my mouth was too full of the nastiness that it was too late to tell the others of the trouble they were about to experience.  Ugh, it was probably one the most disgusting things I've eaten.  We all couldn't handle it.  Moaning and groaning of failure and disgustingness.  Then, there was one more doughnut left.  All of us though it was stuffed with chocolate.  But after our onion doughnut we realized, it couldn't be chocolate.  It was intact red bean (aka: sneaky bean).  This bean pops up in EVERYTHING.  Especially desserts.  So, its not that bad, but its definitely not chocolate.  Remember, when in Korea, don't expect your doughnuts to be normal.  Eat with caution.   

After that, the restaurant called us and cab and while we waited we took some photos in the cockpit.  ;)

We left and got to the train station and realized the slow train was finished running.  SO we had to take the ktx, which takes 20 min to get to Ulsan.  We realized it was leaving in like 5 min, o we bolted to the train and finally made it.  Whew.  What a day.  But at least we made it back to Ulsan before midnight, even before 11!  

Monday, February 6, 2012

Boom Boom ee

Last Friday we had "Recreation Day" which means Friday is a surprise to me.  I asked one of the teachers if i had to come early or what was happening.  She asked me if i had heard of a character called "Pboomng Pboomg ee."  Try your best to sound it out.  Its hard to say.  Anyways, it's a children's character.  I don't really know what from.  Another teacher was telling me thats it's name pretty much means "butt." Yes, really.  Some guy started us off with some dancing and then the beloved character cam out and shakes her romp around.  Then the kids got cotton candy and they each took pictures with Pboomg Pboomg ee.

Watching little kids eat cotton candy is a pretty fun spectacle.

cotton candy beard

It has a big butt.

So there's a bis indoor house, kinda similar to Chuckee Cheese, near where i live.  Little did i realize our new friend was so close all this time.  I thought i saw this character before.  

I always know i'm close to "home" when i see these fun lights from the play place.