Sunday, January 1, 2012

Clink! Gulp. Aaahhhhh.

Happy New Year!  We have a fresh start at a New Year!  I must say that 2011 was the year that all the things i said i never wanted to do, I did.  Words of advice, be careful what you say.

I never wanted to go to Asia.
I didnt really want to teach.
I didnt really like little kids.
I never wanted to go to China.
I never really wanted a 9-5 job.
I never thought about South Korea.

But here i am and i did it all.   Now,

I live in Asia.
I like teaching.
I love little kids (in moderation).
I went to China.  It was awesome and a little scary.
Have a 9-5.
I know SoKo better than i ever wanted to.

This past year has been a big year of learning.  Ive learned a whole lot about myself, relationships, God, kids, trust, faith and multiple cultures.  Its been a great year, a weird year.  And did i say i've learned a lot?!  Like a lot.  If i had to use one word to describe 2011 it would being: learning.

I hope 2012 is a year of new beginnings.  Of application and of more traveling!  And even more learning. 

But really i hope for peace for all the nations and for all the families and people hurting out there.  I dont think 2011 was a good year for most of the world.  Most of the world continued in famine, tsunamis, floods, war and economic hardships.

we had some fun with fireworks on New Year's Eve.  Heres one of them.

Happy New Year!  
Lift your heads up and be thankful for a fresh start. :)

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