Monday, November 28, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving has come and gone.  Our bellies were stuffed with delight, and our bodies are moving a bit more slow.  Overall it was a pretty great Thanksgiving, considering the fact that Korea doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving.  (Note: Only America celebrates Thanksgiving.  Other cultures may have their own type of Thanksgiving, but its not the same.)  Oh and that most of my friends and family are in another country.  

In class for Art and Play i had the kids make hand turkeys.  They had no idea what a turkey was because Korea doesn't have turkeys, but they still enjoyed making them.  They thought it was a peacock.  :)  Here's come photos of Ginny class (aka the kindergartners):



Kevin H.


For the eve of Thanksgiving day we gathered up a bunch of foreigners and went to a big buffet restaurant here in Ulsan.  Some of our group was actually from the UK and South Africa.  It was nice to spend time with friends.  Here's the clan:

This is a mangosteen.  It's one of the most delicious fruits in the world.

This is the inside.  It looks like a little  white orange.  Its tastes like a mango and an orange and maybe even a touch of berry.  Oh its sooooooo good.  These don't grow in Korea, but I'm pretty sure they grow in China.

We decided that eating at a buffet wasn't enough to satisfy our craving for Thanksgiving day food.  We put together our own smorgasbord, and we did this without and oven! 

I made some rosemary chicken and gravy, green beans, and pumpkin bread (in the rice cooker and topped with a yummy glaze).  We also had mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, applesauce, stuffing (stove top sent from the US), and rolls.

Us and our delicious feast.
Im now thinking of recipes for Christmas Day.

Afterwards we watched a bunch of Christmas movies, made snowflakes, and some other crafts.  Overall it was a good Thanksgiving weekend here  in Ulsan, Korea.

We also took a bunch of Christmas photos, but those will come later ;)

Things I'm Thankful For:

my family (as functionally dysfunctional as we are)
Jesus Christ
a job (and one i enjoy)
new friends and old friends
getting out of debt
traveling!  Oh the places i've seen!
Fuzzy sweaters
the color sea foam green and yellow ochre
hot air balloons
the internet
a creative mind
airplanes ( and all  other modes of transportation)
being American
laughing children
running water
an able body

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