Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Cave Hunting

Once cookout night i was hanging out at the bar doing my job.  Two of our staff were talking about a cave on Beaver mountain, which is right by our ranch.  They said it was really easy to hike to.  So i asked one of the guys who had the same time off as i did if he wanted to go hike to it.  I also invited Alesha and Angelique and we drove up as far as we could, parked the car and just wandered up the mountain.  We made our own trail, trekking up the mountain towards the area of the cave.  It was steep and Alesha and i were huffing and puffing our way to the top, while the other two seemed to be running up the mountain without any limitations.  We stopped here and there to take pictures and water breaks.

setting forth

 see that dark hole on the middle/ right hand side? well if you do, you're looking at our cave.

through the woods we go 

 the woods then opened up into a rock pile.
chris, angelique, and alesha

We took a break.  So what do you do when you're in the middle of a forest?
You push trees over of course.  I felt invincible.

On our way back

So maybe you're thinking, "Did you guys make it to the cave?" Well yes and no.  Yes because you could get close enough to see it, but not close enough to get into it.  There's a lovely rock face directly under the cave so its a bit sketchy trying to get into the cave.  Maybe someday and somehow we'll get up there.  Until now we'll just dream and wonder about what lies in there at night.  

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