Monday, May 23, 2011

Yellow dust

So, in the Spring time especially during the month of April and May there is this stuff called "Yellow dust."  It kinda sounds bogus, but its true.  The winds pick up the dust from China and sprinkle it onto Korea.  I dont find this at all very nice.  Its quite disgusting.  After while you can see a good layer of dust on cars and tables and things.  After it rains you see this:

Its not from any chemicals, its actually the yellow dust.  Its awful.  I'm pretty sure this didnt help my sinus infection.  In fact, the doctor i visited told me a should wear a mask.  I didnt really say anything back to her.  I did not take her advice.  But it made me think...  why havent they created a mask with a mouth on it??  One that blends into your face.  All the adult masks are so plain.  Why dont they have some fun with them, since they love them so much? 

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