Tuesday, March 29, 2011

FuN fAcTs!

If you see a giant mound of dirt it is someone’s gravesite.  The bigger the mound, the more important the person.  It is wise not to climb it.

Kimbop:  Kim= seaweed   Bop= rice
Kimbop is picnic food here.  It looks like a sushi roll but is filled with egg, ham, carrots, and maybe a couple other things.  Instead of using rice vinegar in the “bop” Koreans use Sesame oil.   Koreans always have it for picnics.  Kimbop is like a Korean sandwich.


In Gyeongju, there was a big war between the Koreans and the Japanese.  This was around the 1930s maybe 40’s.  There’s probably much more to this bit of history but I am only informed of what my teacher friend Joanne told me.  There is a part on the main road where for about 5 miles the road is lined with Cherry blossom trees.  In about a week or two it will begin to look very beautiful.  Anyways, when this war happened the Japanese planted their cherry trees all over the area so that the Koreans will remember them (sneaking little buggers).  So now the older generation is a bit grumpy come springtime when the trees are in full bloom, and then the younger generation doesn’t care so much, they admire its beauty.  

1 comment:

  1. I love this post!
    Question: how many graves did you climb before you figured out what if was?
