Thursday, September 13, 2012

I will always be an adventurer.

A friend shared this great article.  Its all about traveling and how important it is for us to travel.  To see the world and to be changed by it.  And to return with a changed mind, attitude and outlook on life itself.  The one thing it doesn't address to be smart about your finances and traveling.  Yes, traveling is very important, but don't go deeper in debt because someone said, "Go!" Trust God and listen to Him about where to go and what to do.  And never stop exploring.

As for me,  I can't wait to see all the surfaces of the earth and meet the various kinds of people out there.  Sorry Mom and Dad for always running away, but you know you can run with me :)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Overflowing Swarms

Well, all in a week i have learned how to stop an overflowing toilet and kill a family of wasps.  I dont know why, but the cabin i live in has more than the fair share of problems.  Due to years of neglect and abuse the the cabins have seen better days.  So has the plumbing.  All the girls' cabins share the same plumbing.  Therefore, hair and other things have probably made its way down the drain.  My toilet has overflowed 3 times in a week and a half.  How do u stop it?  Turn the water off.  Then the water level goes down and then you can turn the water back on.

Oh and wasps?!  I have been catching at least one a day for the past five days or so.  I thought they were coming through my window screens somewhere.  But I closed my windows.  It had been about 3 hours and i come back to my cabin to find it filled with about 15-20 wasps.  How? I have no idea.  So i ask one of the guys and he says he know how to take care of them.  He used this stuff called "fogger" and its like setting off a bomb.  Keep everything closed for 2 hours and then open it all to air it out.  I come back to find all the wasps ( i hope all) lying on the floor curled up slowly moving.  Dying a slow and painful death.  It was a sad day for the wasps.  And my cabin is temporarily fixed.

Incase this happens again, i now know what to do.  But i rather it just get cold and kill off the wasps.